Thursday, January 22, 2015


While my husband watched justice porn videos (don't ask...), I worked on my FIRST project of the year! My friend "B" has been my "bestie" for a long time and helped me through some REALLY tough breaks. I moved away from her two years ago and I miss her everyday.

Funds are tight this year already, but I knew I wanted to do birthday and holiday gifts for my special ones.


B loves jewelry and she loves the Playboy bunny symbol. I combined the two with this really neat and crafty project.

The ORIGINAL craft master of this project is Irina of Irina's Cute Box, who helped me with my questions. Her blog is where I first saw it and HAD to try it! Thanks, Irina. :)

Not pictured: Sweet puppy that was hanging by my feet..
I don't have a designated craft area yet so Crafty Hubbs grabbed a cardboard box from our store room and said, "Cut what you need". Ta-da! Craft board.

SUPPLIES NEEDED: super gel glue, glass glaze, pendant necklace, and glass tiles
I purchased mine through Sun and Moon Kits on etsy. VERY happy with my purchase!
You will need an image too. Irina has free graphics available through her blog. She helped me with the Playboy bunny symbol. I printed on CARD STOCK paper. My printer is kind of crappy but it still turned fine.

Once you find your perfect image(s), it's time to cut them. Leave a little space around your image when you cut them, too. (I didn't, and Hubbs pointed this out AFTER it was completed.)

I'm not the best with scissors....

 NEXT STEP: Apply the glass glaze to the back of the glass tile (FLAT SIDE). Press out any air bubbles. Place the FRONT side of your image to the glass tile. LET DRY for 2 hours.

During my 2 hour intermission, Hubbs and I watched "Death Note" (anime) and then I complained about bills and hugged our elder dog.


 Apply the gel glue on your pendant frames and slap on those mighty fine tiles!

SUPER DUPER happy dance time!!

Give them a little time to dry and place them on your chains. It's an easy beginner's project, and I can't wait for B to see them!

Excuse the dirty tablecloth..... *cough*...

NEXT PROJECT: Valentine's!